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Streets of Paris in the 1950s

Streets of Paris in the 1950s

Whirlybirds (sometimes called The Whirlybirds or Copter Patrol)

Whirlybirds (sometimes called The Whirlybirds or Copter Patrol) is a syndicated drama/adventure television series, which aired for…

Dennis the Menace

Dale Strong dressing backstage

Dale Strong dressing backstage at the Latin Quarter nightclub. Lisa Larsen, “Prettiest Showgirl on Broadway,” Life, March…

1951 Frigidaire refrigerator advertising

1951 Frigidaire refrigerator advertising

Vikki Dougan and reverse cleavage

Vikki Dougan made her name with media showing off her reverse cleavage

Greta Thyssen knows you like her bikini

Greta Thyssen knows you like her tiny sexy bikini

Amored car robbery 1950

Don McGuire – Adele Jergens Dave Purvis takes pride in being unknown to the law, though famed…

Gypsy Rose Lee looking sexy as she is ready to go out

Gypsy Rose Lee looking sexy as she is ready to go out