Marilyn Monroe looking sexy

Marilyn Monroe looking sexy in a early pinup pose in a bikini

Diana Dors : Cannes, 1956

Diana Dors : Cannes, 1956

Leslie Parrish in a pinup pose

Leslie Parrish in a pinup pose wearing a grass skirt

Cyd Charisse in The Band Wagon – 1953

Cyd Charisse in The Band Wagon – 1953 Tony Hunter, a famous singer/dancer movie star, is feeling…

Plunder of the sun 1953

Diana Lynn-Glenn Ford (Plunder of the sun) 1953 An American insurance adjuster, stranded in Havana, becomes involved…

(Green fire) 1954

Stewart Granger – Grace Kelly Rian Mitchell discovers an emerald deposit in South America, but gets chased…

MGM commissary, 1955

Janet Leigh, Grace Kelly, Ann Blyth. Stewart Granger, Elizabeth Taylor, John Ericson, Marge Champion, and Louis Calhern…

Bettie Page playing in the hay in a bikini

Bettie Page playing in the hay in a bikini

Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote

Party time, 1959

Party time photo by Bunny Yeager, 1959

Joan Bradshaw in Looking for Danger

Joan Bradshaw in Looking for Danger When an army official wants Duke to account for a missing…

Waiting in the coffee shop

Waiting in the coffee shop showing off their short shorts